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My Lifestyle: Dogs


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My Journey

During the Covid-19 pandemic, my family was split up across the world and something that kept my spirits high during that time were my dogs, which is what sparked my interest in dog therapy. I am trying to learn as much as I can about dog therapy which is sort of what this website is all about. As a part of my journey to learn more, I visited the Japan Rescue Association and was very impressed by the work that the search and therapy dogs do. In order to support them as much as I can, I created a non-profit business where I create paw print cards made from stamps of my dogs' paws.

Search Dogs
How they can Be Used

After the Great Hanshin Earthquake in Kobe, Japan, the Japan Rescue Association (JRA) was created, in light of it. Following the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, there were tens of thousands of people that were trapped under the rubble, just waiting to be found. One way that search and rescue dogs can be trained is to find these people and guide their trainers towards them. The JRA has done a great job in using their dogs since in various natural disaster events.

Therapy dogs
- Help with Rehabilitation

Even after the people are found, they can't just go back to their former lives. 65,000 people were left homeless and over 40,000 people were injured. People are made to live in evacuation housing for an indefinite amount of time, but the dogs can also help with that, to a certain point. Therapy dogs have countless uses but one of the most well known ways is rehabilitation. 

 - Can Even Help Your Mental Health

Although you would think that the dogs' capabilities stop there, they can even help you mentally. It has been proven that their presence can increase your serotonin and oxytocin in humans, which I am sure many people will need after suffering such a traumatic event. Many people suffered from countless losses, but just the presence of these dogs can improve their mood. The dogs encourage people to come out of their rooms and socialize with others.


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